Hello Fresh, Vegan Style
September 24, 2023

My guy’s son is a budding chef! So he’s started to try his skills on some Hello Fresh meals. Because he is a very sweet boy, he includes vegan meals for me to enjoy too. But this first go I would try to replicate his non-vegan meal as a vegan one, starting with making some cashew sour cream. The same one I usually make from Oh See Glows.

I tried to replicate the spice rub included but I wasn’t sure of the quantities.

Should have breaded them, but here is the tofu.

In the end, the meal looked great, but the tofu was lackluster.

Here are the vegan and non-vegan versions.

The next meal was already vegan, so I didn’t have to change it. Because he was tired after school and homework, I whipped it up. It starts with scallions.

The gelatinous vegan crema

The final result was pretty yummy. The first chili of the season!