Heat Wave, Day 3: Berry Hot, Berry Hot!

Β yells Farmer Ted while dancing.

The key to surviving a heat wave is to get everything you need to do done… fast! Before peak sun. So The Electrician and I hit the Rockville Centre Farmers Market bright and early. It was my first visit to a farmers market on Long Island, not counting farm stands on the East End. It was a small market with not too many vendors. But then again I am used to New York City’s greenmarkets, specifically the pinnacle: The Union Square Greenmarket. The Rockville Centre market had a great tent for local veggies and a nice spot for fruit. Isn’t that all you need? Kinda.

Yay! The berry is in season! I bought 2 pints of the blue stuff, knowing I can bake what I don’t munch on out of box. Stay tuned for blueberry-ish recipes to come. Starting… now!

When temperatures are up, the stove needs to stay off. But the stovetop, that’s another story… Breakfast for dinner is a summer staple. I also needed to use a loaf of huge Farmers Rye. I chose to make a batch of French Toast with blueberry syrup, cooking up the first of my berry stock.

Ah, sweet blueberry flood. Nothing beats an in-season berry–both in taste and in price. What, dear blueberry, is next?