Happy Mother’s Day!
May 12, 2013

It’s time to bake a cake for mom day! Here is my beautiful Mom holding a pint-sized me next to my sis.
And here I am photobombing a very proper picture of my brothers and sister in their Easter best. This became a bit of a common occurrence as I would grow older. I used to steal my mom’s camera mid-roll and take pictures of myself sticking out my tongue. (And I used to press ‘play’ and ‘record’ to interrupt my dad’s mix tapes with weird noises.)
Forecasts call for a light dusting of cocoa and soymilk powder.
Vanilla layer cake with chocolate frosting, as requested by Mom.
I love Isa’s thick, fudgey chocolate frosting from VCTOTW. It reminds me of the cakes my mom used to make. Jiffy cake and frosting mix… in the little blue box.
A delicious bite. I highly recommend subbing Earth Balance regular for the coconut spread. It gives a subtle coconut flavor and a yummy shine. Happy Mom Day, Mom!