Green Bank Observatory π‘
West Virginia
July 21, 2021

Did you know there is a National Radio Quiet Zone? The National Radio Quiet Zone restricts Earthly radio transmissions to maximize radio data from outer space. This means NPR wasn’t coming in too clear on my drive to Green Bank Observatory in Green Bank, West Virginia. Similar to the field of radio telescopes I roamed about in Feb 2018, the big hunks of science equipment responsible for hearing all those radio waves are sitting about looking real cool. These are fast becoming one of my favorite roadside attractions.

The Observatory was technically closed when I visited, so I could not get any info from the visitor center. But I was able to roam about the trails and get up close and personal with all the telescopes. If you go, bring water and be aware that it went from my needing a sweatshirt to being flushed red and overheated. Also, there are a few abandoned buildings and lots of wildlife there, to make it even more up my alley.

To follow are shots from my meander.