Graduating Gobo
May 17, 2010

Much to my delight, Gobo has a 3-course First Seating Prix Fixe during the week. I thought this was a quiet and tasty way to have the official celebratory dinner honoring my graduation from graduate school. But as a food blogger who decides to cook and bake based on the quality and quantity of natural light in her kitchen, a restaurant’s bad lighting can kind of put a damper on a dinner… kind of like how rain can put a damper on an outdoor graduation ceremony! But here it is nonetheless, my three courses, minus the disorientating cafeteria-like acoustics of Gobo’s dining space:
Course 1: Seitan Skewers w/ Green Tea Mustard Sauce
These grilled skewers were very tender and succulent–delicious. I have never had seitan with such a unique texture. It was a lot of “meat” for a first course, however. The green tea mustard and pickled cabbage accompaniment were great as well.
Course 2: Sesame Protein Nuggets braised in a sweet & sour sauce
This dish was my old stand-by when I used to hit Gobo more often years ago. Nowadays, in my old age, I find the sauce a bit too sweet and plentiful and I would have appreciated a bit of rice to sop it up inclusive in the dish’s price. The nuggets were definitely yummy but, given my course 1, I should have opted for less protein. Could it be I loved the melon-balled apple pieces, pineapple chunks and blanched brocoli best?
Course 3: Multi-Layered Chocolate Cake dusted with green tea
Wow, this slice was huge! Part of me thought the portions of the prix fixe courses would be adjusted in size but no maam. I could barely make a dent in my chocolate cake, especially as it was paired with a second glass of pinot grigio: not the most pleasant taste combinations. The piece’s remains sits patiently in my fridge for me to finish it. I think after this post I’ll hop to it!