Go Midwest, Young Man
August 28, 2008

It’s pantry turnover time once again! Spending the upcoming Labor day weekend with Wok Man in his hometown of Milwaukee, it was time to use it or lose it.
Stuffed peppers: A very simple way to use up veggies, leftover tofu scraps, grains and herbs.
I start to panic if there isn’t a tub of my fresh-made hummus in the fridge. Hummus is a great way to rotate garlic stock. This dip’ll be joining the mile-high club as a blue chip accompaniment.
You can’t go wrong with potatoes and ketchup.
The 5-minute mango chutney (Veganomicon, pg. 212) is the perfect fate for an overly ripe mango. Very tasty. I made it in advance for an quote-unquote Indian dinner. I wound up taking a whiff of it randomly throughout the day, loving that my taste buds reacted just to the fragrance.
For quote-unquote Indian night, I prepared Tamarind Lentils, which secretly turned out to be more of a vehicle for my chutney. The recipe (Veganomicon, again, pg. 123) utilized more of my garlic and the rest of the ginger and onion. Great perishables turnover!
Banana and currant muffins. I halved the all-purpose flour with Bob’s Red Mill High Fiber Hot cereal with flaxseed. I think you know why.
Bringing my best bud Veganomicon, I plan to school Milwaukee on the ways of delicous food free of animal products. I also hope to report on some good food options for vegans wandering about in Dairy Land, U.S.A.