Getting Back Into Crafting
Mermaid Season 2022 πŸ§œβ€β™€οΈπŸš

I’m happy to be mermaid crafting again. Besides freeing up space by utilizing my stash of seashells, I am excited to be using some new bases for my shell collage: Thick-banded plus sized bras for a more sturdy top. So much surface area!

This top has great shells, but looks very awkward on. Might be better fir a less busty gal that I am not.

But I wanted it to be mine and hence, some of my favorite shells are on it.

In it I see trips to Florida, walking the beaches of Long Island…

Forgot about this pretty dress I made for my friend’s daughter. With the Mermaid Parade actually on this year, she’ll get to rock it out.

I meant to shell more in the winter. You find the real gems in the winter. This is on Shelter Island off of Long Island.

Love the iridescence.

Summer is coming!