
IMG_4563Plants give us such glorious things: fruit, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs, stems, leaves. And how delicious are these parts? To think that we eat the reproductive organs of plants? It’s all very wonderful, like we’re eating life. And in the case of bright, juicy blood oranges, it feels even more so. Citrus is a gorgeous representation of nature’s symmetry and beauty. Ok ok, lest you picture me as some pagan witch with a strange selection of mason jars and tinctures harnessing the powers of the natural world, I’ll stop.

IMG_4606Don’t even get me started about avocados. How is it that such a rich buttery cream, in such an appealing shade of yellow-green, just lie waiting inside a deep dark green barky skin? Butter pear, alligator fruit, cheese pear–this nomenclature sums ’em up. What ever the Earth or want for fertilization has facilitated to create the avocado, as she is, I thank.

IMG_4703Chocolate avocado cupcakes with avocado glaze for my 31 valentines, though many were not brave enough to try (though chemical-laden, artificially colored processed food snacks are fine).