Fried Hanukkah Delights π
Latkes and Sufganiyot
December 11, 2020

I love a holiday where eating is featured prominently. And the traditional eats of Hanukkah are especially delicious—fried… miraculously. The oil represents the “miracle” oil that burned inexplicably for 8 days, spreading word of the Jewish victory over the Greeks over 2,000 years ago.
Today’s themed eats would include a Latke Sandwich from Orchard Grocer, Just Egg, sour cream, dill and scallions between two of their house made latkes, and the sufganiyot from Michaeli Bakery, like jelly doughnuts but less sweet. Both Lower East Side eateries, an area rich with Jewish history would offer this gentile a delicious taste of the festivities.

Behold, the Latka Sandwich. You know how I want potato to top everything? Now I want it on the bottom of everything too. Amazing.

Michaeli Bakery is a great spot for worldly sweet treats–and their vegan options are done so well. I was so relieved when I learned that there was a fresh batch of vegan sufganiyot available to me though the display at the counter was empty. Definitely worth the wait in line.

Strawberry Jam

Happy Hanukkah! Or Happy Hanukkah eats!