Friday Fish Fry {vegan version}
July 10, 2009

In Wisconsin, the Fish Fry is a Friday staple at bars and eateries. With some old beer batter in need of some crisp, Wisconsin’s own Wok Man and I fried up our own vegan style version in my Brooklyn kitchen. We drenched tofu wedges in the week-old deactivated batter to create our filets. They were good, as most things hot and fried and vegan are, but the days the batter sat had left us with an unimpressive texture and taste. The greasy meal may have left us a bit unsatisfied had it not been for the tartar sauce! Realizing that it was the vegan tartar sauce that blew me away, I realized I could deepfry and dip anything into this white wonder and respond with an mmmm. On the side, potatoes with Bay View seasoning from the Spice House in Milwaukee!