Abandoned Fort Tilden, 80’s Style New York
April 25, 2020

As the United States entered World War I, New York City needed several harbor defenses. Fort Tilden on the Rockaway Peninsula was established within the military installations used in the War of 1812. But like other New York City forts, the end of The Cold War meant the tremendous concrete batteries and related spaces lost their function. Though these reign second to my penchant for asylum exploration, the decay of these military forts capture a part of history I’ve thus far been shielded from and are all the more alluring and surreal to me–in both form and function. To follow is my walk within Fort Tilden’s vividly decorated structures, part of Gateway National Recreation Area, on a beautiful Saturday at the beach.
I must admit that driving anywhere in New York City is much more enjoyable now. Door to door from my apartment, I was in the parking lot in 20 minutes. And I was within the dune trails quickly, though I first took advantage of the New Moon’s load of gorgeous seashells at the shore. After getting bit by a tick on Staten Island my last visit, I am now tick paranoid. It was a bright and sunny day, but I was all covered up as I meandered through the trails.

Way more than 6 feet away from you.


So pleased I can enter this passageway…

There were many concrete rooms in this tunnel. Seems like maybe ammunition was stored here?

Sand, lest you forget you’re at the beach.

The other end of the tunnel.

Battery Harris West is impressive.

So much color! I wish I had taken a picture of it when I used to come here in the 90’s.

A glimpse down the battery, which looks secured though clearly many have gotten in.

This was the structure I came to Fort Tilden to find.

Not going to deconstruct sunshine here… or darkness

The Doors [Half hour interlude of watching Jim Morrison videos on YouTube and now I’m back!]

Everything’s illuminated

I’ve been here before, this time.

And the power’s out in the heart of man…

Always a great stop for a variety of reasons, Gateway National Recreation Area is one of New York City’s jems. Given the historic significance of many of the area’s features, development has not overtaken and castrated the 80’s NYC edge these places still hold. Fort Tilden could be a backdrop to the street fighter video games my brothers used to play back in the day… the colorful subways I used to see as a kid when I went to “The City” with my father. Oh how much cool my generation was becursed! The cross-section of time that marked my development was the perfect storm, creating this skillful sailor. While today’s youngins just want to take a picture on the boat. Sorry you are on the whims of a rant. Stopping…. now!