Florida Outtakes
March 14, 2024

When I left Rochester in the early morning, there was snow on the ground.

After a gorgeous trip south aligned with the sunrise, I’d arrive inside the bright blue sky

So bright that I needed to buy some sunglasses from the Goodwill en route to Orange City. It just so happens that I loove thrift shopping (in general) but even more so in other states!

Also necessary, some sustanance from Winter Park Biscuit Company. I got the Crispy Chik Sandwich, Of course. It is a crispy Chik Cutlet with lettuce, tomato, pickles & mayo on a toasted Brioche Bun… but I got it tossed in “Gator Sauce.”

This is perfection! Well worth hanging out a bit longer in Orlando, but then peeeace out!

My motel, chosen because of the sign

Bow I am definitely not in Rochester anymore.