Finally, A Stay at The Clown Motel π€‘
Tonopah, Nevada
August 19, 2023

The last time I was at Tonopah’s Clown Motel, it was being used for a movie shoot. This time I was able to book a room and stay for the night. It was all fun and games and pictures until nightfall when the allegedly haunted hotel started to scare me. Keeping the television’s blare on longer than I would have, I slept with the lights on… but woke up without incident. Until the following morning when I was getting my stuff in order to pack up. The room key disappeared despite it having a designated place within my ritualistic system of spatial organization (on the small table near the window). I spent a substantial portion of my morning searching the room high and low. Because it was so peculiar that the key was not in its place… and I had not touched it since placing it in its spot, I began to speak to the room, asking for the key. Though it may seem silly, I had a really strong feeling of being toyed with. It was a certainty that I can’t really explain. Then, a moment after admitting mental defeat, I looked to the right on the neatly made mattress and there was the key, placed in line with the corner of the bed, as if deliberately placed there. I left the motel feeling certain I experienced something odd. Though minor, I am posting this here to add to the online collection of unexplained phenomenon related to The Clown Motel. It’s worth a stay, as is Tonopah in general!