December 8, 2009
You know when you just can’t decide on what to eat for lunch, like when your cravings are all over the place and you are too damn hungry to settle on one choice and you want something that’s familiar and easy and hearty… but there are all these other factors you have to throw in, like incorporating distance, subway stairs and whether or not there will be annoying NYU students gabbing loudly inside, and if there will be space and prompt service? Ugh. I so was in one of those clusterfudges and decided you can’t go wrong with a veggie burger and fries. I went to Curly’s Vegetarian Lunch and decided to listen to some stray path of logic that I should take a risk and expand my Curly horizons. Big mistake, huge.
Ladies and gentlemen, my first designated FAIL:
This “Suna” Melt open-faced sandwich was a bitch to handle and get my mouth around… and when I did, oh my, I wish I han’t. The blandish, wet and cold “suna salad” was topped, uncomfortably, with a ton of warmish vegan cheddar along with way too big a bushel of alfalfa sprouts (which a friend of mine charmingly calls the pubic hair of the vegetable world). It was bad. I tried to avoid my disgust but every time I approached for another bite I gagged. Don’t get me wrong, Curly’s is a great spot! I just made a bad decision.