Excursion to Letchworth State Park
March 4, 2023
With some gorgeous snowfall in Rochester and another new used lens to try out, I headed to Letchworth State Park in Castile, New York. I bought a new wide angle after some photographic failing on my recent trip to Arizona. I was impressed with this new wide angle. Here are some of my favorite pretty shots.
On full display, the mighty Genesee River’s power. Though this park is one of the most frequented state park in the entire state, only a few souls were to be found.
The snow was not expected so I had to borrow a 12-year-old’s snow boots and my guy’s snow pants.
Also drawing me and my camera in, these massive Evergreens.
Between Arizona and then a week in Rochester, I am happy to have had the chance to experience the snow. But I’m ready for Spring’s bloom!