Deconstructing Beauty
September 17, 2017

I’ve begun to understand that observing the world’s beauty is my most favorite therapy. And if you look for it, you’ll find it most everywhere. From delicate macaron feet peeking out from a soft pastel shell to the browned crisped dough of a pastry that some young lady made lovingly from scratch, pushing herself deeply inside of it with the heel of her hand. (Commissary! in New Paltz, New York; macaron by Sweet Maresa’s)
(Mac & Cheese Casserole, not so beautiful but tasty)
(Frothy almond milk latte and its blank canvas up top.)
(A smear of color across a grey expanse, worth several pullovers. Inside, all of the colors and hope and wonder and water vapor and other magical scientific things.)
(A congregation of sunflowers follow the sun with their faces…
…Or give it the cold shoulder.)
(Water lilies in a large pond past a No Trespassing sign.)
(How strange that your green turns red (and orange and yellow) just because. Because of all the things that create a season.)
Layers of Earth and Water (Minnewaska State Park). People travel to see all such combinations. I want to see them all too.
The cold flowing fresh water after a clumsy hike. It’s 60% of you… so we are putting our feet in you.
One easily accessible structure of the shining old Hudson River State Hospital abandoned and within a eerily quiet chapel complex. The rest of the hospital is a spectacular ruin to explore at a later date.
This door looks like a Halloween decoration.
One final bite before feeling the dark curves of the Taconic Parkway. (A tofu and plantain rice bowl from Twisted Soul in Poughkeepsie)
Gorgeous! The food looks scrumptious and the landscapes look serine. I agree that when we take the time to enjoy the beauty around us, so much more of it shows itself off to us!