Cuyahoga Valley National Park
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things:
Fall Foliage
October 19, 2019

{It’s My Party π, Part 1}
When I thought about where I’d whisk myself off to for (triple prepositions!) my birthday, I asked myself, “Self, what would make your special day enjoyable?” To which I responded, “Being far away and on my own, a national park, an old cemetery, lots of vegan food, an abandoned theme park, a night shoot at a dark sky park, and a car that can sync Spotify.” So I am in Cleveland, Ohio, a destination that ticks all of my boxes.
So goal one: Nature. Autumn is a special time. Leaves turn into flowers, bloom vividly and then fall on the ground. I spent day one in Ohio within the most gorgeous fall foliage I ever did see in my 26th National Park, Cuyahoga Valley National Park. To follow is a slew of shots from my hikes on the Stanford and Brandywine Gorge trails–all foliage, a newly-designated Favorite Thing.

Brandywine Falls

I am proud to say that I shot all of these pictures manually with my DLSR (except for the above shot which a random lady asked to take… oh and the waterfall shots were with my iPhone as the blaze of sunshine and the shadowed falls made it difficult to adjust my settings properly). It takes a bit more time, but I am getting better at it.
Hello…. Check out my experience in cuyahoga valley national park by clicking the link below:-