Cupcake Picnic
May 30, 2020

I have gotten through my entire list of baking goals during the quarantine and have been less motivated to bake ever since. I just miss sharing my baked goods–it’s half the joy of baking! So with plans for a hike in the woods of New Jersey, an impromptu batch of double chocolate to share. And this frosting was leftover from Mother’s Day, rich and fudgy delicious.

Ok, so part of the joy of baking is also taking pictures of the baked goods.

At the picnic table!

A cupcake in nature. These are Isa’s basic chocolate recipe which is such a quick and easy recipe.

Looking almost like a red velvet. That’s the bright sun’s doing

Kids eating my cupcakes… that’s the good stuff. Cuz you know they’re going to call out a non-delicious cupcakes. Especially this little gal.
Hmm, I’m going to throw a baking endeavor on the to-do for this coming week. What should I make?