May 25, 2015

Push aside winter grey, summer is unofficially here. The irises are blooming at the zombie house next door, triggered by nature. There Will Come Soft Rains-style.
The backyard, once a bland backdrop along the walk to the back door, invites entry, holds glistening fruits and color in its open palm. Asks you to stay a while.
[Indian food break: Chennai Dosas lunch buffet in Hicksville.]
I’m not a big fan of stone fruit. For fear of sounding a bit neurotic, I won’t tell you that I get anxious about handling its wet innards once I eat the skinned bites… and properly disposing its stone, which, after eating, looks ragged and mangled and fleshy. But when The Electrician grills up nectarines and peaches, I’m totally game. Here’s some with coconut ice cream.
Expanding my beet repertoire, lunch for this short week is red-violet, yellow and green. Walnut beet meat tacos with quinoa, cabbage, cashew-macadamia nut sour cream and a fantastic pineapple pico de gallo. Beauty and deliciousness reinforcing each other.