City of Rocks National Reserve, Almo, Idaho
August 27, 2024

“This City is walled in on every side with towering granite mountains, some peaks shooting athwart the sky like towering domes. While hundreds of piles, peaks, steeples and domes, of all shapes possible in the distance looking like an old dilapidated City”
– Emigrant journal entry from Dr. John Hudson Wayman – July 12, 1852
City of Rocks National Reserve sits upon the California Trail traveled by pioneers fulfilling “Manifest Destiny.” Between the discovery of gold and the building of the Transcontinental Railroad, 240,000 pioneers traversed these lands, some leaving their names and wagon trails in the rocks. Later, Homesteaders settled the land. Later still, I arrived.
The cows were all about as we headed in through a long gravel road

Yes, an International Dark Sky Park.. here I come!

Our amazing campsite

Would-be pioneers


An old homestead

Setting up camp

Sun going down

Man makes fire


Tent time after star shoot

At dawn in the Window Arch

They signed their names on the rock.

Another wonder Idaho site we want to go back to!