Cherry Blossoms in Green-Wood🌸
Cherry Blossom Cupcakes🌸
May 2, 2019

With two days of state exams and an awesome testing schedule, I spent my back-to-back free periods in my favorite place: Green-Wood Cemetery. It is crazy to think I first set foot into its grounds only a year ago. This time, peak flowering for its gorgeous trees would make it a very different place, a very different photo mission. Forget the crowded Botanical Gardens, the best Cherry Blossoms are in Green-Wood. Best because they were all mine. Plus, there are plenty of other flowering trees whose names I do not know–what’s in a name?

The Green-Wood tour buses at rest.

I do know the name of these darling buds of May–Azaleas. They have such strong pops of color. Well, once they open.

Magnolias are litterbugs.

Surrounded by life

Meandering under the trees. I am so romantic with myself. Seriously, I’m like this cheesy quote I read recently: All the love he doesn’t want, give it to yourself. Or something like that. And this.

These branches, covered in purple. Explain this to me, please, Nature.

Walking under the Cherry Blossoms was magic.

This is when I laid on the ground to capture the expanse of branches. Laying on the dirt under a Cherry Blossom in a cemetery. This is how I roll.

The most gorgeous umbrella

Follow me. 🌸🌸

More Azalea

Happy early Mother’s Day, proud and watchful duck mommy! Gosh, this place gets better every time.

And turtles?! Yes, there was a clan of turtles on the rocks in the pond. First I thought they were decorations until their outstretched heads turned my way.

Then this tree. What can I say about this tree? I got very excited about this tree.

The fish eye doing its thing.

No after-school craft club gave me time to make a batch of Cherry Blossom inspired cupcakes. Having some buttercream I needed to use up (from the bunny cake) and a jar of vegan maraschino cherries that had been in my refrigerator way too long… chocolate cupcakes with cherry blossom tops!

So it will be a Friday treat for some colleagues… 12 cupcakes in my apartment is way too dangerous. See, there is only 11 now!

In the Pink

Happy Cherry Blossom blooms!