
Category: Memorial

In Memoriam: Robbie

As I drove home from my birthday excursion, I found out my cousin had died suddenly–a massive heart attack at age 45. The shock has since given way to confusion and more heartache. 2020 continues to upheave. The philosophical and theological rumination that can only be born of close contact Read more…

Ellen Chung Memorial Page

This page is dedicated to my friend Ellen Chung. Our friendship spanned 24 years. The years I have known her make me certain of several things related to her passing: 1) Ellen would hate the boilerplate, stock-imaged memorial pages that result in an internet search for her obituary. 2) Ellen Read more…

Dia de los Muertos

For Joseph Roth, 1973-2013 Once upon a time a bunch of misfits managed to find each other in the suburban sprawl of Long Island. They were different in many ways from those around them. But together they belonged–finally–in a way that required no conformity, no change in their ideals, and Read more…

Dia de los Muertos

For Joseph Henry Piecuch, 1979-2014 People can live in your mind–nourished, lively, protected from violent forces like time, distance, and reason. They bolster an assortment of ideas: Hope, love, fate. Woven to these forces and ideas, they become one, powerful and purposeful, an extension of yourself. And in return, they Read more…