Carrot Cake Break
July 24, 2017

Despite being pretty organized and calculated in many areas of my life, there are other areas in which I am reckless, irrational, and possibly quite stupid. Eh, definitely quite stupid. One minor example of this is how I go veggie-crazy at farmers markets. I buy what looks good without regard, without realizing I, in fact, don’t have a mess hall of hungry soldiers to feed. Then my resourcefulness kicks in. And what once was a careless and regretful impulse gets shredded, baked, and covered with vanilla frosting. And possibly garnished with pecans.
The pattern here is obvious. I need to be problem solving all the time. It’s kind of my Modus Operandi. So much that I might create problems both large and small in order to feel the joy of solving them. And when I work this all out through food, we get cake. Soooo, I guess there are far more destructive ways to go on about things.Β