Carlsbad Caverns National Park
February 19, 2018

My 23rd National Park: Carlsbad Caverns. Every time I go to a new National Park I say to myself, “This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.” And it’s true, at the time. But this place, this time is just… (resisting urge to deconstruct my good feelings)…
I can’t describe how fascinating a world I entered 750 feet underground. The look as if I am in the deep ocean, but there’s only cool, moist air and drips. (In fact, this place was made from drips. How powerful an element, water. ) The sheer size, which is difficult to capture through a picture without the handrail for a bit of scale. This National Park, which I just threw into my itinerary mostly because of proximity, had me in hushed awe for the duration of my self-guided tours. It was truly amazing and I hope to return. For first timers, the Ranger was spot-on in steering me to tackle the Natural Entrance Trail (the first few shots show the entrance) into the Big Room Trail. Here’s some of my favorite shots of the millions I took.
The Natural Entrance
Looking back outside
Listening to the tour below me
The Big Room is an understatement. It’s the size of over 10 football fields!