Can We Just Pause And Appreciate the Beet For A Moment?
April 5, 2010
I often pledge my love for the beet. And I’m going to do it again. I love the beet for its taste, yes, but also because its gorgeous, vibrant color (See here and here). But today we are going to pause and appreciate its snarly tentacle. The beet looks like some sea creature or some food you’d see in a bowl on the counter at the Mos Eisley cantina.
But beets are not in a galaxy far, far away. They’re in the dirt, like many of my favorite vegetables. And in my oven roasting to a slightly brighter beet-red. I couldn’t bare cut the nutlets’ tails off yet.
Here they sit sliced in between my pumpernickel slices, green pesto and agave-sweetened tofu spread with their skins on.
Leftover nutlets sliced. I contemplated bring this to the movies with me to snack on. Is that too vegan?