Breakfast for Lunch Again
March 30, 2014

When I get a pancake craving, it’s hard to disseminate. Do I want the ultimate vehicle for sweet and savory? Do I want several airy, thin cakes with crispy browned corners? It depends. Whichever the case, I can certainly half my pancake recipe so as to not be left with a ton of batter… but that wouldn’t be fun. Not when I can always make breakfast for lunch again.
And I’ll need some tempeh. But mostly because I want to experiment with marinades.
Add some fresh kale, and lunch is complete!
Oh, and a yam and potato hash with sweet peppers and roasted tomatoes.
And dessert. Finally using up the apple compote I made for Christmas, here is a cinnamon cake from The Joy of Vegan Baking.
Check out the real vanilla bean speckle. Sunday lunch-making is one of my favorite parts of the week!