Boston Vegetarian Food Festival
November 1, 2008

The name of the game at the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival was cupcakes and cheese. Despite the constant stream of attendees and cramped space for exhibits and speakers, the event was vegan foodie heaven! With two floors of generous exhibitors, many household vegan celebrities, and their delicious samples, the hustle and bustle was well worth it. Although CandyPennyand I opted not to squeeze in to see any of the speakers, we left the place reeling from the exciting event.
Some of the shining stars I discovered at the festival were: Galaxy’s Vegan Rice Cheese and Concord, New Hampshire’s Cafe Indigo, home of the best-ever chocolate vegan cake.
Other photographed highlights included:
Hippie Chick Bakery
Kensington, New Hampshire
I’m learning that the Northeast isn’t completed overshadowed by the vegan-friendly Northwest (e.g. Portland, OR). We have several established bakeries doing wonderful vegan things.
Teese Cheese

Chicago Soydairy, Illinois
Teese’s exhibit table clogged up the walkways! Everyone wanted a piece of Teese’s outstanding vegan mozzarella and cheddar Teese. With teenage 7-11 nostalgia, I couldn’t believe I pumped a hot vegan nacho cheese from their pump. Being a longtime vegan, I couldn’t be more excited about finally having some awesome cheesy options. (It seems like only yesterday I spit out the salty white slice of grossness that was being passed for a “cheese” slice.) Teese is certainly taking over. They distribute to distinguished vegan joints around the country.

Fiore’s Italian Bakery

Boston, Massachusetts (Jamaica Plain)
The gals at Fiore’s were dishing out sample chocolate and vanilla cake that was absolutely yum!
Little Vegan Monsters

New Haven, Connecticut
Little Vegan Monsters is putting out a cookbook it seems. Besides that I am not sure what this cute couple is doing on the vegan front. The attractive website is a business card with no job title. I love me some vegan cupcakes but I’m a little confused.
Liz Lovely

Waitsfield, Vermont
Liz Lovely has long been my favorite packaged vegan cookie. They are just perfect: Certified Fair Trade, Certified Organic, Certified Vegan with green-packaging… and what a wonderful success story. I’d be green with envy if I wasn’t on such a sugar high.
Wheeler’s Black Label Vegan Ice Cream

Boston, Massachusetts
I’ve tasted Wheeler’s earlier this year at a tiny little taste fest in the East Village (CandyPenny reported here) and was blown away. The eccentric Wheeler Del Torro creates the most interesting flavors of ice cream (curry, apple pie, peanut butter and jelly and so) and is certainly a rising star of the vegan treat world.
My Sweet Vegan

The talented, demure diva of vegan sweetness does it all. Bakes, crafts, blogs, publishes cookbooks and creates the most mouth watering photographs of treats.

My Loot:

And last but certainly NOT least, dinner. After tons of sweet sugary samplings, we were ready for a healthful raw dinner. Amazing.
Grezzo Restaurant
69 Prince Street, Boston, Massachusetts