Birthday Part 1: The Kids & The Cupcake
October 21, 2010
I haven’t worked on my birthday since “working” was hanging out behind a cash register with a group of sneering misfits rolling our eyes at Celine Dion cd purchases. In between then and now a work day consisted of upholstered cubicle walls, nonsensical meetings and minimizing too manyย Internet Explorers to keep track of. Now… I have no reason to try to escape my work environment. I spend my week with an amazing bunch of kids whose open minds and open hearts are humbling and inspiring. So this year, I spent my birthday in the classroom. And I am still smiling!
Along with the gifts and cards, I received a Babycakes cupcake.
And the sweet treats didn’t stop there. A special student baked up a batch of vegan snickerdoodles, a parent baked gorgeous cupcakes for the students and healthy dried and fresh fruit were abound. I’ve said it many times before: vegan accommodation is a, to me, a high compliment.
Another thoughtful student and parent made me a delicious quinoa salad with all the ingredients listed for me! I ate it with a huge whole wheat everything bagel. The bagel (and 3 containers of hummus nearing their “best by” date and a long white baguette) were delivered to my apartment window the evening prior from my obsessively freegan-ing Karen 2.ย