Bedford Stuyvesant Vegan Eats
May 27, 2019

Fermento is an Italian cafe in Bed-Stuy. And it is this vegan gal’s dream. And so, this Memorial Day, two Italian ladies stopped in for colazione and left floored by the quality and breadth of their options.

I got the Turmeric Tofu Scramble on a multigrain croissant (“cornetto”) with spinach and avocado and a side of roasted potatoes. The croissant was flakey, delicate and layered and I am quite sure it was the most delicious vegan croissant I’d ever had. As were the potatoes, I think. The attention to detail made all the difference.

It was one of those dishes I took a picture of at every bite as I wanted to hold onto it… don’t leave me, multigrain croissant!

Experiencing their croissant, I then wanted to try their Apple Strudel. Oh my goodness, just as perfect. I need to come back and try everything else on their fantastic all-vegan menu.

Even though I had already had an Apple Strudel, we hit Brooklyn Whiskers for another sweet treat.

I chose a big piece of Rainbow Cookie, maybe to keep to the Italian theme. So good.

Thanks for the great vegan eats, Bed-Stuy! Commence the passionate discussion of gentrification and white privilege on the way home.