Bay Ridge Bites
❄️ Snowdays Shaved Ice
August 1, 2020

Snowdays is a delicious Japanese-inspired franchise that offers two vegan flavors of their airy frozen treat–coconut and strawberry. I have been wanting to try them for quite some time so I was happy to learn that they had a shop in Bay Ridge! Service was great and totally in-the-know with veganism. After some discussion, I got the coconut with strawberry drizzle and fresh banana. But there are other combinations I can try for next time!
Vegan flavors: (marked on menu) Coconut, Strawberry
Vegan drizzles: Strawberry, Blueberry
Vegan toppings: Oreos, Walnuts, Almonds, Peanuts, Cap’n Crunch, Coconut, Fresh fruit

Perhaps it was the heat, but I devoured this as I walked back to my apartment. I usually can’t devour frozen treats–usually eating the toppings and playing with the ice cream until it was soup. Perhaps I need my ice cream like a misting of fresh snow.

I’ll definitely be back!