March 7, 2009

After a terrible morning, my first consoling thought was that of brunch. I was going to treat myself to Counter‘s yummy banana flambรฉ vegan french toast when I realized… I had never made french toast myself! I found a very simple recipe for…
Banana Coconut French Toast
2 ripe bananas, mashed
1 cup coconut milk
3/4 cup soy milk
1/2 tsp sugar
2 ripe bananas, mashed
1 cup coconut milk
3/4 cup soy milk
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Mash the bananas and whisk in the rest. Pour the batter in a shallow pan and dip both sides of a thick, hearty bread. Fry ’em up on an Earth Balance-d pan. Mine never browned really but no biggie. I crumbled pecans and smothered them with EB and maple syrup. Fantastic!

If that wasn’t enough of a sweet turn of events, it was time to bake my mom’s birthday cupcakes! She and Wok Man actually share a birthday, March 4, leaving tomorrow for traditional Sunday-after champagne and Italian delivery on Long Island. ย Here are the naked chocolate beauties below, perked up like Spring flowers on this 60 degree day.

Because my mom is that special, and a big fan of my chocolate-chip cookies, she gets a batch of cookies too. If ever there was an veganism ambassador in my family, it’s my cookies. They gobble them up baffled and confused to just how they taste so good. “These are vegan (pronounced vay-gun)?!”
Here the cookies and cupcakes unite to cool.
The cookies are wrapped in my grandma’s vintage fabric and placed inside a red colander, the color of my mom’s new kitchen. (Yay, the pastel yellow Kitchenaid Artisan Stand Mixer is soon to be mine!)

The chocolate cupcakes get their icing and a sprinkle of powdered sugar.

Happy Bithday Mom!

Because my mom is that special, and a big fan of my chocolate-chip cookies, she gets a batch of cookies too. If ever there was an veganism ambassador in my family, it’s my cookies. They gobble them up baffled and confused to just how they taste so good. “These are vegan (pronounced vay-gun)?!”