Back to My Brooklyn Kitchen
August 15, 2022

Ah, returning to my Brooklyn apartment…
Some fruit from my favorite Turkish corner store. I had to buy this watermelon when I saw it had the mark of the devil. The cashier and I shared a chuckle about it and he told me to be safe while in its clutches.

A peanut noodle dish I spent a lot of time on. It was delicious, but I should have made like a triple batch of the sauce since it was so labor-intensive.

On an evening walk, I saw a skunk! Who’s ever seen a skunk in Brooklyn?! It was chowing away on the food left out for the stray cats. That’ll do it I suppose.

I’m glad people are making this connection now, because they certainly were not when they thought getting a useless vaccine was the only measure of health that mattered.

And speaking of…

Bay Ridge, Brooklyn has the best old cars. Because there are so many old timers here.

Now a vegan Caesar salad… scratch made croutons and dressing

And a batch of cookies means I’m officially home.

This batch came out amazing. I ran out of maple syrup so I used apple honey. Maybe that had something to do with it? Again, every time I make a batch they are different.

Thin and chewy!

Let’s look again.

Now I am on to making a vegan alfredo sauce. Reducing this stock all the way down.

Blending is the key…

And anything I have around goes into the pot. Like the cherry tomatoes my landlady gifted me.

So damn good!

Ok, I can leave again!