Autumn Delights: Harvest Moon and A Late Litter of Butterflies

October’s full moon is the Harvest Moon. This is a rare thing as the Harvest Moon is in September most of the time. I caught it on my way to work, bringing to mind Neil Young’s sweet song.

I caught this gaggle of butterflies from the kitchen window that overlooks the butterfly bush. At one point I counted 9 of them fluttering on the sweet nectar. So I got out there in my robe acting like a nature photographer.Β IMG_3760

The light wasn’t ideal but I managed several shots of their breakfast, while I became breakfast for some mosquito.IMG_3719

These butterflies were dive-bombing all around me showing off.Β  IMG_3722



Then to be totally intrusive, I got in this guy’s business.Β  I then exploited him on Instagram.Β IMG_3754