April, Come She Will π
Game of Thrones Preparation: Dothraki Horse Hearts
March 5, 2019

There was a time when April 2019 seemed painfully far away. But somehow April 2019, and the start of Game of Thrones‘s final season, is now just “next month,” April 14th to be specific. With some forethought, I knew I’d need rest and recuperation the Monday after the season premiere. Though I had a personal day request completed since I returned to school in September 2018, HBO did not officially confirm the air date until January 2019. Reason for absence: For The Throne

In February 2019 I was like…

Now it’s March 2019…

Since I will be hosting a viewing party for diehard fans only, March 2019 would be a time of preparing and testing my themed menu items. And if I costume up on a random Tuesday, I will most certainly be costuming up for the viewing party. I’ll be dressing as my gal Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. Season 3 style.
My costume so far:

Dothraki Horse Hearts π΄ π
My first test… Vegan “jello” anatomical hearts via this mold. Some notes: The recipe below makes about 2 cups of “jello” liquid, perfect for the mold. The mold is cheap enough to order a few if you are in a rush. The hardest part of this recipe is the unmolding, especially after waiting so long for it to set. First I tried the recipe without any lubing of the mold. I hate to use cooking spray if I don’t need to. But it did not remove well, partly, I’m guessing, because I didn’t spray the mold and partly, I’m guessing again, because the first try I used 3/4 teaspoon of agar and it was a bit loose. So the next time I used more agar for a firmer heart and I sprayed the mold with a quick stream of coconut oil cooking spray.

Recipe adapted from here.
1 tsp Agar Agar Powder (not Agar Flakes)
1 cup Organic red grape juice (100% juice. This is important as it’ll make your heart taste delicious as opposed to fake and gross. I used Apple & Eve Berry Grape)
1 cup Water
1/4 cup Granulated sugar
1–Set mold inside a bread pan and secure with binder clips. This will allow mold to be stable and also help you handle it when putting it in the fridge. Also clear space for the mold in your refrigerator. Come to think of it, go ahead and let the mold sit in there as you make the “jello.” If your interior shelving allows, it’ll be easier to pour into the mold while in the fridge.
2–Stir all ingredients in a small pot on the stovetop at medium-low heat, dissolving sugar and agar agar powder.

3–Bring to a boil as you stir regularly. Once it is at a rapid boil, allow to boil for 2-3 full minutes, then take off the heat.
4–Carefully pour hot “jello” liquid into the mold and allow to set in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

Remove. It should be springy and firmly jiggly.

5–Removal: First run a plastic spatula around the sides, pulling away at the “jello” to allow some air to creep around the mold. Fill up the bread pan with hot water and dip the back side of the mold into the pan, making sure no hot water creeps into the mold. Invert onto serving tray to release. If you have any trouble gently use the rubber spatula to guide it along.
Dothraki Horse Heart success!

Eat your heart out.

Next, you’ll want some yummy blood so you and chow down on your heart all messy just like your Queen. I’m going to have to designate a section of my apartment for this activity as things could get messy.
Edible Fake Blood
Recipe adapted from here.
1 cup water
3 1/2 cups powdered sugar
Red food coloring, as desired
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1–Blend the water and powdered sugar together in a blender until it is smooth.
2–Add red food coloring into mixture and blend again. Adjust for your desired color.
3–Add the cocoa powder to get that blood tone. Start with the tablespoon, adding more until your desired blood color is achieved.
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Hmm, what will I serve these hearts on? Time to watch the show again for some art direction.

Next up Frey Seitan Pies!