Apple Use #2: Caramel Apple Upside-down Cake
October 7, 2012

For apple use number 2, I made the Gluttonous Vegan‘s spectacular recipe for Caramel Apple Upside-down Cake. Rich, delicious vegan caramel sauce: 1/2 cup Earth Balance, 1/2 cup sugar, and 1 & 1/2 TB Blackstrap molasses cooked stovetop. What a yummy finger-lickin’ caramel. I would use a bit less molasses next time.
Apples take a nice bath in the caramel before being covered in cake batter.
Layer one. So succulent-looking! But this is why I’d use less molasses (or a lighter molasses) next time. It looks a bit burnt although it is not.
Layer 2. Cinnamon-y delicious. But a lot for me to take on. I may have to deliver this to my parents.
But first, a slice with coconut sorbet. Ok apples, now we are having fun!