Angel Hunting in the 5 Boroughs (Queens)

πŸ”” Every Time A Bell Rings…

A New York City angel gets stalked by me. This time it was Queens and a trip to St. John Cemetery in Middle Village.

Beforehand and foolishly, I questioned whether Queens could compare to the beauty in Green-Wood in Brooklyn and Woodlawn in The Bronx. I also questioned whether cracking the door to my own crypt in Bay Ridge was possible after a day of being incapacitated by a tremendous head cold that had me passed out on the couch all of yesterday. In the end the trip was well worth it. I was greatly pleased upon the nearly blind arrival, though a bit less mobile and playful with straining myself for crouching camera angles. Established in 1879, the cemetery is Roman Catholic. So there are more Jesuses and Saints adorning the headstones than usual… and plenty of angels.

To follow are just some of the beautiful angels of Queens against a bright blue winter sky. These were very expressive angels on predominantly Italian plots. In fact, there are 20+ burials of very well-known organized crime members within St. John (Gotti, Luciano, Gambino, Genovese, etc).

Can’t keep hanging on… to all that’s dead and gone

Serpent slaying, thanks Angel.

Take… these broken wings…


St. John Cemetery is a gorgeous cemetery that one can conquer in a few hours, especially if you only focus on the older sections.