And Misc. Birthday Tidbits
October 24, 2010

Besides a memorable and fancy-pants meal at Blossum,Β care of The Electrician, I received a sweet and moist chocolate chip cake from my main gals, CandyPenny and Artsparrow. The picture (below) looks quite a mess as my unsteady hand had only the light from the Yankees-Rangers game on the screen to utilize. It was delicious!
And after too many cocktails and emotional rollercoasters, the evening made a trip to Bone Shakers ideal. I was treated to a SAG, their amazing “egg”, “sausage” and “cheese” breakfast sandwich. I love this sandwich.
One final birthday event: the family! I made a batch of chocolate cupcakes with vanilla “buttercream” for the occasion. They went over quite well, as did the hours-long game of Apples-to-Apples. Phew, it’s been a very long few days. I want to hibernate for awhile. Or at least 7 hours or so. A big thank you to all those who made me feel special for my birthday.