Almond Coconut Date Balls
June 26, 2021

Now that it’s summer I can say “Balls” again. Yes, teaching middle school you gotta figure out ways around the word if it comes up as it disrupts the class. This is what I know after teaching 12 years. (laugh emoji. Yes, I said laugh emoji.)
So because I’ll need some healthful and hearty treats on my first summer trip, I made this batch of almond coconut raw date balls. I just love when I’m able to turnover the fridge and pantry before a trip. This recipe would utilize a ton of the Medjool dates I had laying around.

They were so plump and perfect, I don’t care that they look like water bugs.

So I used the rest of my raw almonds and that delicious MaraNatha vanilla almond butter that I told you about. And the coconut I got for the pride marshmallows that never were.

Easy peasy

These sweet, nutrient-dense bites will help sustain me in the days to come!

All the balls