All Good Things Come to
Those Who Wait: Focaccia.
April 6, 2020

Because I don’t want to go to the grocery store these days, I am trying more bread making. This focaccia from Miyoko’s Homemade Vegan Pantry is really easy. But you have to wait to let the yeast do its thing. I let this pile of dough rise for 24 hours, baby!

So it was all mixed up and ready to sit at 7:53 in the evening…

but had ballooned quite nicely by later in the evening.

Rise and shine, it was even more bloated with air in the a.m. the next day…

Sorry, I Forgot to Remember (good band name, F2R) what time this was when I stretched it out on a small sheet pan

Then I let it sit in the pan for many more hours and it continued to rise and form those all important focaccia air pockets.

A brush with some oat milk and it was ready to bake. I didn’t dot the dough with indentations like you see… maybe I should have?

All golden and delicious!

Look how the bottom looks, airy and wonderful

Now that’s focaccia!