Abandoned Staten Island
Metal🤘, Near the L.N.G. Tanks
March 28, 2020

I had a list of decaying sites to hit on Staten Island, which is steadily becoming one of my favorite places to explore. It’s really close but feels so far away; it’s car friendly; and I pretty much never have to encounter anyone while there. Sure, that’s a skewed view of the place, I know. But coming from Long Island myself, I am good at dismissing all that is beneath me and finding the corners of fascination beyond the box stores, bad accents, strips malls… and all that are excited by box stores, bad accents, and strip malls.
First on today’s list of exploration, attempting to access the LNG tanks off the 440 in Rossville. Though I was not successful in gaining access, not wanting to scale fences in the rain, the scrap metal junkyard I walked about as I entered through the St. Luke’s Rossville Cemetery might just be a better destination. Yes, this bad ass explores through the thickets of shrubs in the rain… in junkyards. I barely scratched the surface of this place as the fear of a junkyard dog, like in the movies, made me a little uneasy. Considering it was not on my original list, I was very pleased to have discovered it. Here’s what I saw.