Abandoned Letchworth Village, Post 3 of 5
May 3, 2020

The Hospital of a Farm Colony is always the saddest structure. Particularly at Letchworth Village‘s grounds, the birthplace of the human trial. Except the human trials performed at Letchworth were without consent. Inhumane a tremendous understatement, doctors–who classified patients as either “idiot,” “imbecile,” or “moron”–were reported to collect brains from deceased patients, displaying them in glass jars. To follow are shots from various floors of the decaying hospital. What is not seen is how crowded it was inside… I have to estimate that during our exploration of the building we encountered 20-25 other like-minded people with varying degrees of respect for the sanctity of the grounds. It got to be too much, so we left to the sight of a police office driving towards the building. Good timing. Though I had become more selective with my camera clicks, as happens towards the end of a photo mission, I managed to take many shots I really love.

Wide angled lens???
Yes, indeed! π