A Kind of Home, Washington DC
August 19, 2024

When I am not flying there are home-type things to do… like go food shopping. This airstream is along the way.

I am trying to get better at not spending all my expendable income on food. That means making do with what this DC kitchen offers me, mainly the crock pot my parents gifted me. I am whipping up a curry.

Coming from a NY visit, my Mom had bought me a bog of sweet potatoes for some reason. This caused my brother and I to laugh. So I traveled back to DC with this bag of sweet potatoes. Now they will go in my curry. Of course I gave me Mom the play-by-play as I used them.

From the Asian grocery store, this masaman curry paste has been waiting for me to use it for several weeks now.

The crock pot ready to start cooking.

The tofu I browned that I’d add in later in the cooking process.

The coconut milk goes in later… or else it curdles. But I added too much moisture to the pot. This came out more like a soup. A very delicious soup.

Here is the soup, though the quinoa will help drink up the yum too.

All packed for my overnights! I did it.

More sites on the way to/from the supermarket.

A gorgeous sunset…

Ready to go and go and go