A Fond Farewell to Charleston
July 9, 2016

With only a few hours to get my munchy on, I hit Nana’s Donuts in doorbust fashion. Nana’s Donuts used to be Diggity Donuts, which I have been peeping on Instagram for a bit. I was excited to learn that what seemed to be electronic evidence of their demise was really a switch of ownership… the delicious looking vegan donuts would not be impacted. A rose by any other name…
A bright and colorful shop with great service is a treat in and of itself. But the donuts, gazing at me through the showcase, of course sweetened the deal. I love when I can do this: I ordered one of each. I knew that with a quick flight back to New York, I’d be free to continue enjoying the donuts at home. And that The Electrician could partake too. Part of what hurts vegan travel blogging is being stricken to enjoying just one option. With a sublime vegan version of a frappuccino in hand, I hit the road, Jack.
Car photo shoot ensued.
Followed by eating in the car. Look at that airy delight. These are the real deal. I’m so impressed with vegan donut endeavors these days. Move over cupcakes!
After sweet, I needed a final savory breakfast in Charleston. I returned to Gnome Cafe because I knew I’d leave content. And after this customized brekkie bagel sammy (I sound like a 22 year old.) with tofu scramble, portobello bacon and avocado on a scooped everything bagel, I sure did. Then potatoes, you can’t do no wrong there.
Gnome Cafe has met air lift status. Oh, if I could design a vegan town, what a spectacular place it would be!
Farewell, Charleston. It’s been mostly yummy.