A Day in NYC

PicMonkey Collage.jpgEssex, on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, is a huge brunch destination. It must be listed in the NFT GuideΒ or something. I have wanted to try their lone vegan dish, the Vegan Mexican Matzo Brei, for quite some time. So with a few days off at our disposal, we made a reservation, the start of day in the big, not-so-bad city. First, a Bloody Mary and a Mimosa.

IMG_6045The dish was yummy but a little Daiya-heavy. And not the best value. Potatoes and a larger piece of avocado would have made a world of difference. But I loved the texture of the tortilla “matzo.” Really woke up the usual mushy tofu scramble.

IMG_6048Taking my car into the city, brunch ended in my old neighborhood of East Williamsburg for a donut at Dun-Well. Perfect!

IMG_6050Dinner after a movie, we headed to Organic Grill. I had the veggie burger sliders. Three different housemade patties (roasted mushroom patty, original sunflower seed patty, and jerk spiced patty) topped with different things smears–kind of congealy vegenaise-ish spreads. The best was the sweet potato buns they all arrived on. Oh, East Village. How is it that you can’t do vegan right?