A Day for Brownies🌱
April 20, 2020

420 just brings brownies to my mind! So I threw together a version of this recipe based on what I had laying around. Some changes in random order: I used chocolate oat milk instead of almond milk. I used 60 grams regular cocoa and 24 grams black cocoa. I used half coconut oil and half canola oil. I used cacao nibs. . . . and a drug: caffeine, by way of a bit of coffee.

. . . but I did not cook them long enough. So the middle pieces were dumped and the remaining were super fudgy. I don’t know how to spell fudgy.

They are thick and chocolatey.

Are you a chocolate person? Then these are for you.

Happy 420? I don’t know; I just love a theme. And plants. Those two things are my jam.