2020 Photo Purge
February 13, 2020

How are we well into February already?! New Years seems like last week! Must time pass so swiftly? It has been a very busy 2020 thus far. Here are some outtakes.
Freshly milked cashew milk from a colleague? Yes, ma’am!

ICYMI, there is now a Saturn emoji on the iPhone. 🪐 And these earrings were a birthday present from West Palm Beach. I don’t wear earrings often, but when I do–they’re awesome earrings.

Tucked away go the vintage Christmas bulbs. They look so pretty together. Christmas feels like eons ago!

And lots of home happenings wrapping up. Finally managed to hang the tremendously heavy toy art in my hallway. I am proud to have learned how to do it right despite how long it took.

Also got to hanging my old purses in shadow boxes. I brainstormed the hardware for quite some time and am very happy with the result. I have a Honey Do list and I am the Honey.

And speaking of, the craft room is really starting to get organized and the mannequins wait for the start of the 2020 Mermaid Season! It’ll be here pretty darn soon.

A place for everything, everything in its place
Happy Lunar New Year from my landlady! She gave me a bag of treats.

Such a warm winter, I ate these delicious Thai dumplings in Prospect Park on a bench in the evening… in Winter. What is happening?

I said this and I thought it was funny. Is my subject-verb agreement agreeable?

Hands up. Baby. Hands up. This is what happens at the movie theater now that everyone reserves their seats and no one arrives early.

Front row blues

Lava caking and lighting sparklers in my apartment.

School night ridiculousness

and veggie sushi.

Spring’s a-coming… and then, my goodness, it’ll be Christmas time again. I’ll start seizing the day. Tomorrow.