1) Section 6, 2) noble is the view, 3) charge your phone
October 27, 2008

After weeks of planning a surprise birthday get-away, Wok Man only revealed the above hints.
“Section 6”, which I thought maybe be a seat location at a concert, was the segment of the Metacomet-Monadnock trail we were to hike. This 114 mile trail that spans Connecticut to New Hampshire and has been on my “before I die” list of things to accomplish for some time now. Though I hiked up a small segment of the trail to climb Mt. Tom on my birthday last year, section 6 of the trail would be my first official hike. Section 6 begins in Holyoke, Massachusetts. This is a short distance from hint number 2.
“Noble is the view” referred to Noble View Camp‘s 1831 farmhouse that was our home for the weekend. The farmhouse in Russell, MA had no electricity, no running water and was set within 360 acres of “rural solitude”. Paradise.
“Someday my logs will have something to say about all this.” The new Log Lady.
The farmhouse kitchen, powered by butane lamps.
The wood-burning stove. I loved this thing.
Fire, fire, fire! Watching the light show in the stove was far more entertaining than any network t.v. show.
On the M-M trail, for every mile I added a leaf to my hair.
Relaxing on one of the many cliffs and peaks overlooking the countryside. The grey overcast pounded us with rain and strong wind during our descent.
Fall foliage, dull against the grey sky.