π§ββοΈ Mermaid Season Continues: Staying Inspired {2019}
May 19, 2019

That which is not fed… dies. So keep feeding what you wish to grow. π± A simple truth I have to remind myself of on occasion as I can sometimes feed the wrong things with all my nourishing goodies. But I have a symbiotic relationship with Inspiration ( “her” ) one of my most favorite feelings and most certainly always a very worthy vessel of effort and emotion. A side effect of being an emotional basketcase: always having plenty of emotion to distribute. To sunrises, intakes of oxygen, full moons, the stars, and mermaid crafting.
Back at Green-Wood during the Parent-teach Conference break, I found her. In the curve of a sharp hip bone of a writhing finned serpent, a mess of hair, seaweed and tentacle. Mermaid form inspiration: check.

This robustly bloomed pink Azalea bush looked like sea coral. While the expanse of this lush tree limb umbrella made me finally want to use the green “stuff” pile in my mermaid staff. Mermaid color inspiration: check.

The trees in Green-Wood, my goodness. They regenerate my heart container at site–like Link in Zelda.

I am so pleased about how much of my mermaid craft stash I have utilized–that I now have an Etsy shop up. But I was hosting a mermaid craft session at my apartment soonish. So on a beautiful Saturday morning, a fellow mermaid and I hit the seashore–Sandy Hook’s. Because though other decorative goodies were plentiful, we needed more seashells. And I had great luck in finding a slew of shells this other time I went.
So neat to see home from across the way…

A perfect day for the beach.

The shells were so plentiful, but maybe we took too many? You’ll see them all in a sec.

There was some old planes flying over that were pretty neat.
Mermaids and the ocean

Flash-forward to after I rinsed only part of the shells we collected! Now I have a lot more mermaid goodies to make.

Sandy Hook is becoming one of my favorite day trips!

Panning for gold

Nature leaves her beauty on the shore for us to pick up.

What mermaid crafter would not be inspired by this lot?

I also picked up a bunch of these clam couples because I usually see them when they have already signed the divorce papers. (You mollusk be kidding! What a dumb joke!) I think I will put these up for sale as is. They’d be perfect for many crafts… I’ll let the buyer decide.

Less satisfying was an “on the way back” stop at Michaels on Staten Island. Because finding her is hard in packages. But I needed more mossy stuff… and I needed to haggled with the cashier about this flawed scallop shell.

And can you find inspiration from within? Most certainly and I do often. With the full-body mermaid costume complete, I am finally getting my couch back. Well ahead of schedule of the June 22 event, I am very pleased to have the time to make even more this mermaid season!

[…] In the quest of shell turnover, more mermaid crafts! My goal is to use all that I have to make way for some serious shelling this summer. This top used a ton of my roly poly seashells, the main haul from the last trip to Sandy Hook. […]