π§ββοΈ Mermaid Preparation 3:
Top Tips {2019}
April 28, 2019

Spring flies swiftly. It was already time to begin my mermaid crafts! My new mermaid top would be the highest priority. The best way to make a wonderful mermaid top is to start with a good bra. Using the lines of the bra you can make sure you have a flattering end piece. I use high-end bras for my mermaid tops because their underlying form is beautiful and they have great support. But go ahead and buy ’em used! eBay has a great market for gently used bras. My start is a black Chantelle. The color doesn’t really matter as its entirety will be covered.

It’s much like collage work. Layering is the key, beginning with larger shells and then getting the crevices and corners with other smaller goodies. But you can go overboard and get too clunky, making for an unflattering top. I suggest trying it on a few times as it takes shape. You also have to be aware of shells that may dig in uncomfortably or that would get in the way with your arms at rest. Notice I am keeping the shells on top of the underwire. If you have ever worn a bra, imagine now a sharp shell was glued to its underwire. Now sit down. Ouch! Don’t worry, the underwire will be covered by the end.

But don’t be afraid of a little dimension, highlighting a variety of beautiful shells. Craft moss is perfect for tucking into the backs of shells and to line the underwire. Not having shells too low will make it easy to move naturally, but it will also ensure your midriff, an important part of your mermaid costume, is free of obstruction. A woman’s midriff, like her collar bone, is one of the most attractive parts of her IMHO.

Stage one is complete!

The next step is to step away from it for a day before Stage 2. Stage 2 gives the sides and back the same treatment as the front and adds more bells/whistles to the front.

Give it a critical eye, try it on again and make a plan for Stage 2.

But clean up for now. You done well!