💘Valentine’s Day Baking, Part 1💘
Monkey Bread Heart
February 9, 2024

Valentine’s Day is my second favorite holiday to bake for! So to follow will be my heart-shaped endeavors over the span of 4 posts. The first installment: a heart shaped Monkey Bread. Though I have made Monkey Bread several times, I had a holiday version in my head since Halloween, when I was going to make a grey brain-shaped Monkey Bread for others to pick at. Kind of gross, right? This version is much sweeter… and literally too! I feel like I added too much sugar.
The dough in the works…

Ready to rise

Wowza, I sure got a great rise out of this dough!

Time to stretch it out.

The nibbles of heart made with a pizza cutter

From this point on my hands were a mess and I took no pictures, but here it is in the oven.

It came out real nice!

So airy and delicious as my hand model shows you

What’s next? More hearts!